Saturday, December 09, 2006

Just hanging out.

December 7 –

The climate continues to be challenging. 90 degrees, 90% humidity (or more), and not a breath of wind. Then the clouds roll in, it rains (still not much wind), cools it down to 85 degrees, but now the humidity is 99%. At night it drops to about 75 or 80 so sleeping is doable as long as you have a fan running. Then there are the mosquitoes. They truly love me. I slather myself with mosquito repellant and they still get me. Then I’m all sticky and smelly from the bug stuff and sweat and need a shower, so I go wash it all off, feel clean for 5 minutes until I have to re-apply repellant and until the heat gets to me again. And so it goes. Repeat as necessary. It's a grand life.

December 11-

I took a trip to the island of Savai'i to visit R and J. Here are a couple of pictures of the ferry and one of Apolima Island. There are actually two ferries - this one and a full size Puget Sound type ferry. The big one takes 45 minutes to cross the Apolima Strait and this one takes an hour and 15 minutes, but I hear during rough seas the little one is a far better ride.

It was a really crummy day, rain, clouds, rough seas,(and yes, it was still HOT) so I didn't get anything spectacular but since I am moving there I'll get lots more opportunities.

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