Since our arrival we have been in classes every day from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Some are on safety, PC policies, cultural integration, and medical information but the majority of the time has been spent in language classes. I am finding I do not learn a new language as easily as I once did. I can see the words on paper and pronounce them but my feeble old brain doesn't seem to be able to remember them from one day to the next. Hopefully that will change soon.
We have been finding our way around town bit by bit. It is really crazy. There are taxis everywhere and everyone drives like they own the road. The roads are narrow and very crowded and pedestrians definitely do NOT have the right of way here. There are also these funky buses that are always overloaded. They fill up all the seats and then start putting smaller people in larger people's laps. I haven't quite had the nerve to try the bus yet! Here in Apia there are a lot of people who seem to do a lot of hanging out - not particularly causing trouble, just standing or sitting around.
Tonight we had a party in our honor given by the current volunteers. They entertained us first, dressed in traditional Samoan attire performing ceremonial dances. Then we had a professional fire dancer. He was truly amazing. I guess PC doesn't think fire dancing fits into their safety and security protocols so they wouldn't let a volunteer do it. We got to meet most of the current volunteers and ate a ton of food. They make this coconut cream stuff that you put on taro that is wicked. Taro by itself is really bleagh!
Oh yeah - the pig pictures! One of the volunteers helped get a new primary school started in one of the villages, and today the village thanked PC by gifting them with two roast pigs - The lady leaning over the smaller one is one of the language teachers and some of my trainee group are gathered around the big pig. These pigs were cooked in the traditional "umu" which is an above ground fire pit covered with palm branches. They didn't quite get done though so we couldn't have them for our party. Apparently they frequently "don't quite get done" but they eat them anyway. Ummmmmmm! We'll see.
Tomorrow we get to go to the beach. I'll let you know all about that next time I talk to you.
Lets see. I know there are probably other things I meant to mention but I guess this is long enough for now. I will try to keep you up to date but it is really hard to get to the internet cafe before it closes during the week and on Saturday and it's not open on Sunday. I want to try to get my picture page back up and working but that is pretty time consuming so I don't know if I will be able to. Until then I'll just keep sticking them in with the entries. You just won't get as many pictures.
Bye for now.